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07.02.2020 – Astrology: Sacred or Taboo? Meditative walks in nature are excellent, especially as one consciously drinks in the energies of the Earth. It is an answer to the symbol of the Crucifixion. Modern psychologists may think of them as symbols of as yet latent powers in man’s unconscious.

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Working For Peace. Astrology: Sacred or Taboo? Reincarnation In The Bible.

VIRGO has now synthesized the physical, emotional, and mental into a resource she can use in her work of nourishing and caring for the world. Dresses boasting all the curve-enhancing details classic floral and subtle glitter finishes And since i am a believer that not everyone is the same and eveyone deserve a chance until proven guilty.

A Light on my Path. Print Page. Ascendant energies will largely overcome incompatibility.

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Conflict need not be present. Attraction to others attuned to an element one lacks usually does not form the basis for a lasting relationship.

A strong reason for knowing the Soul Maps of those with whom you have close personal relationships. We can work positively with what we know.

Functioning on rhe totally Personality-Centered Level — VIRGO possesses an instinctual urge to gather resources, often leading to a life cluttered with excessive items and ideas.

The Surprising Truth About Virgo: One of the Most Misunderstood Signs – Crystal B. Astrology

VIRGO acquires compulsively; she has a horror of empty spaces. Behind this compulsion is a fear of the void, of not having.

Fear of introspection is so great that VIRGO has to build protective walls of materiality and will give excessive attention to the outer details.

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At the personality level, VIRGO works hard to protect self from the very source of her salvation and peace—her own inner depths.

Her relationships can be indiscriminate and lacking in real emotional depth.

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Her world is now orderly. VIRGO desires to serve in ways that allow for creative self-expression that is meaningful to those she serves.

VIRGO needs to have and to know that she has a purpose, a function within society. This gathering of experience prepares VIRGO to give birth to her true mission, to perform her task of work and service.

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VIRGO has now synthesized the physical, emotional, and mental into a resource she can use in her work of nourishing and caring for the world.

VIRGO is now the sign of the six-pointed star of the soul-infused personality. With her soul-infused life, VIRGO takes her radiance into the world through her focus on healing and service.

VIRGO is one of the hardest workers in the zodiac, with a flair for organization and dealing with details.

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She can rise above defeats and use her active mind to seek new ways to find success. VIRGO strives for perfection in self and others, is industrious, considerate, and reliable.

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She is quiet and gentle in manner. Though VIRGO may appear to be self-sufficient, she is really happier with someone to love and who loves her. VIRGO may have difficulty being as passionate as she would like.

General good health, especially with daily quiet times to rest her active mind. VIRGO likes to work on one project at a time, perfect it, then move on.

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She can be a master craftsperson. VIRGO is more interested in rewarding work than a highly paid, non-service type of job.

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Self-employment is often an option. She may spend years in gestation, then give birth to her unique synthesis of all she has gathered.

Are You a Leader or a Follower, Virgo? by Kelli Fox, the Astrologer

Those who express in negative ways are frustrated, consciously or unconsciously, because they are not being who they truly are. VIRGO can be extremely critical, finicky, aloof, skeptical, and self-centered.

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VIRGO tends to worry, to have difficulty with nervous tension. VIRGO can be very demanding of others based on her own feelings of inadequacy.

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VIRGO may not attune to her feeling nature until mid-life or later. Be sure to check your chart to see what your Ascendant is.

This service will likely begin as an employee in a service oriented organization. The means of service will take on a more creative self-expressive modality and is likely to be via self-employment.

VIRGO marks the end of a cycle of purely personal development; it involves engaging the lower bodies physical, emotional, and mental in a process of self-transformation.

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She will function better by setting aside a quiet time within her daily work schedule. She is very sensitive to her work environment; deadlines can be stressful.

Artistic expressions 4 th RAY many be encouraged as a means of achieving harmony. Thus, 4 th RAY people are highly attuned to color, sound, and form.

The personal ego-centered feelings may be quartered and destroyed; in their place man may develop a sense of deep companionship with consciousnesses which, though utterly different from his, complement his assuaged mind. Berghoff virgo 9 5 in covered deep skille This does not mean there are no racial differences, but rather that these differences have a functional value in terms of the whole organism of Man — and of the planet Earth.

Be sure to check to see where your MOON is located. The MOON reveals the personality as it is displayed in our reactions to the events within our daily lives.

It also reveals much that is hidden within our subconscious minds. On the soul-centered level, the MOON reveals habit patterns that must be overcome or transformed in order to advance in spiritual maturity.

Striving to achieve perfection in housekeeping caused her to be overly strict with her children—to believe that the tidiness of the house was of more importance than the warmth revealed to her family.

In her self-centeredness, she created real or imagined dis-ease. She nagged and was cranky over minor details.

The husband role of fecundator of nature here takes on a collective social significance. Berghoff virgo 9 5 in covered deep skille Discerning and analytical are the traits that are deeply embedded in them.

For examples, achieving a balance between:. It is the source of vitality and power, the resource for coping with stress and challenges.

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Therefore, she needs to get her hands and feet dirty, to attune to the trees and plants. Meditative walks in nature are excellent, especially as one consciously drinks in the energies of the Earth.

VIRGO has sound common sense and desires practical, useful results from their energy output. Engaging in conflicts is a waste of energy.

Back to Astrology Index. What’s Really Happening in America? Divine Government. Dennis Kucinich. Re-introduces House Bill Calling for a Dept.