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20.02.2020 – The picture of her on the bed in her black brassiere, panties and garter belt, wearing her high heels and stockings for him was still vivid in his mind. Sheila told me everything. Open for me, Lori. A week later, Hermione had received an owl at The Burrow, where she was staying until the new term began.

Work Search: tip: words Chapter 1 2. Chapter 2 3.

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Chapter 3. After Hermione Granger saves the life of Severus Snape during the Battle of Hogwarts, she discovers her feelings for him are not so platonic anymore.

At school, back under his instruction, Hermione discovers that her Potions Master had a secret musical past Plus, I always wanted to write a Snamoine fic.

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Note, this is not underage, because Hermione should have graduated school already. Enjoy 8k words of smut! See the end of the work for more notes. Hermione Granger stood before the doors of Hogwarts, taking a breath.

Repairs had been a success, and the school did not show a hint of the severe war damage it had suffered just this past May. Magic was truly a wonderful thing.

Ron and Harry had told her she was an idiot for returning to take her NEWTs, when she had a job as an Auror already offered to her.

But she did not want to be an Auror. She wanted to help elves, centaurs, werewolves, and more. To do that, she required NEWTs. It had been a huge blowout, and it resulted with she and Ron breaking up due to different values in life.

Thankfully, it had not negatively affected her friendships with Harry or Ginny, his fiancee. In fact, if anything, she and Ginny had gotten closer, confiding and talking about things Hermione would have gone mad for keeping to herself….

It was disrespectful to such a war hero to leave him to rot there.

By this time they were all exhausted, and tomorrow was a work day, so Cathy and Julie dressed and said their goodbyes. No one will recognize you, Lori. Lilac lace insert high leg cupped body queen It really was adorable when Ace would get all huffy and embarrassed.

Entering the Shack, she was stilled, looking down at the man who had caused her so much anguish as a student, the man who had saved their all their lives.

She understood now why he had acted the way he did, she understood his emotional trauma, and now it was too late to ever try to reconcile with him.

Something rising in her heart, she pressed her hand to the part of his neck still intact, and felt a pulse! Gasping, she tore a piece of her already torn shirt and pressed it to his throat, which was not bleeding so badly anymore.

Once she was certain that he was stable, she sighed.

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She needed the corpse of the Brazilian boa constrictor in the battlefield. He needs help: the poison caused full body paralysis, which is why we thought he was dead.

The dungeons are intact: get to it. Hermione ran down to the Potions classroom, thankful it was so far underground that the rooms had not been damaged.

It seemed like forever before she finished the potion and was able to bring is to her ailing professor. Madam Pomfrey had given him a blood replenishing elixir and healed his physical wounds.

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All that was left was the antidote to rid his body of the poison. Hermione stood over her professor, despite Pomfrey trying to send her away.

Harry also hovered, concerned. As if he had a right to be.

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In first year, Hermione had tried to champion Snape to him, but his stubbornness had exasperated her. Deep down, Hermione had always known that Snape was not as bad as he had made himself out to be, and now that she was right, she was angry with Harry for having been so against the professor for many years.

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She asked to stay with him so that Pomfrey had time to go and see to the other patients. Thankfully, there were many more wounded as opposed to dead.

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So many had died, and for what? It made her sick. It was not until the next day that Professor Snape stirred, moving his atrophied limbs.

Hermione breathed a sigh of relief, unexpected tears coming to her eyes. She grabbed onto his hand, unthinking.

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He groaned. She could only imagine the pain he was in. Turning his head, dark hair fell over his pale brow.

As the comforting words left his lips, my shoulders relaxed, my pulse slowing to return to some semblance of normal as I gazed into his strangely hued eyes, my body realizing before my mind that I believed him. He knew if he turned around now he would be faced with two brothers grinning like the Cheshire Cat. Lilac lace insert high leg cupped body queen I ran my hand through my hair, righting the towel’s placement on my body as Sebastian rose, turning his back to me as he straightened his shirt and waistcoat.

The obsidian depths latched onto her eyes, piercing her. But unlike normal when he looked at her, there was no anger, no exasperation. Just wonder.

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Just rest, okay? Surprising her, the stern professor smiled, his eyes closing again. She giggled, relieved tears springing into her eyes.

He was really going to be fine, that dark voice wrapping itself around her mind and settling there comfortably. A week later, Hermione had received an owl at The Burrow, where she was staying until the new term began.

If not for your kindness in wanting to retrieve my body, I would not be alive.

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It seems I was not such a bad teacher after all. It may interest you to know that, thanks to Potter and my memories, all charges against me were dropped, and I was awarded an Order of Merlin, First Class.

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I am in your debt. That was the last she had heard from her former Potions Master, and she found she would miss his instruction in her final year.

Compared to him, Slughorn was barely average.

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She had learned little under his teachings in sixth year, and hated that he might be part of the reason her final grade at Hogwarts was going to be mediocre.

She went inside and waved at the people she knew, including Luna Lovegood, now in her final year, and sat down beside Ginny Weasley and across from Neville Longbottom.

Looking across the Great Hall, she spotted Draco Malfoy sitting with the Slytherins, but he was not the same cocky boy he had been.

The war had affected all of thim, and he was no exception. All joy seemed to have abated his body, and she felt sorry for him. At the High Table, Hermione was glad to see McGonagall as Headmistress, and that much of the teaching staff–including Hagrid–was the same.

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What she also noticed was the empty place where Slughorn should be. Hermione shrugged, not wanting to see too excited about the prospect of maybe not having to learn from him.

She might have been humiliated by Snape on several occasions, but there was no denying he was brilliant.

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Slughorn was adequate. At best. The three of them compared class schedules, and found that they had many of the same classes, except that Neville did not take Transfiguration anymore.

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Grubby-Plank was now teaching it until they could find a permanent replacement for McGonagall. It occurred to Hermione that they had no Head Of House, either.

Slughorn as my Head? That anger held in her mind till Potions class the next day. She sat, glowering, at her desk. As they waited for the stragglers to get in, Hermione saw Draco sit down and smile at her.

She smiled back, remembering how he and Narcissa had tried to save Harry. The dungeon door slammed shut with a resounding bang, making everyone jump.

Hermione did not turn around, not wanting to see the fat old man lumber up like he was the best thing since broomsticks. She did not have time to turn around when the Potion Master whipped past, black robes billowing behind him as if no time had passed.

Severus Snape glared at her from the front of the room. You decided to give up glory as an Auror and return to school, I see. She hid her own smile.

Nothing had changed, and she found that she liked that. After that, you will be unable to drop this class and take up another.

Everyone watched, Snape looking highly amused, as Neville clattered to his feet, gathering his books, and bolted from the room. The Slytherins laughed, and indeed Hermione saw Ginny biting her lip to avoid laughing as well.

He faced the Dark Lord and even killed a Horcrux, but learning from Snape was apparently where Neville drew the line. This was why she never dropped Potions, even when Snape had been cruel and insulting.

He was a brilliant man. He looked up, his face just as impassive as it had always been. It did not make her shirk away as it had years ago.